NEWS nMEDIAGamSimSocLegTechMeth

Access to News Media: Production, Search, Retrieval and Distribution

Project Leader Project Co-leader
Jacquelyn Burkell
University of Western Ontario
Charles Clarke
University of Waterloo

How does an always-connected, media literate, prosumer society inform itself? The Internet and other information and  communication technologies transform the way news is gathered, presented, distributed and archived. Search and retrieval over news sources is characterized by unique challenges. The inclusion of blogs, tweets and other social media only compounds this problem by their sometimes unreliable or highly subjective content.

Specific initiatives include: understanding human news behavior, data mining for fact checking and credibility assessment, news search and retrieval by genre and source at different points in the timeline of an event, virality and social networking of the news, and mobile journalism.

NEWS will explore the future of news seeking behavior, news retrieval, news mining and the interplay of social media and institutional media outlets in global news flows.